Evolution Charity
The TSG Evolution Charity is a collaboration between TSG and various charity innitiatives like Skate-Aid or the Stay Strong Initiative.The Evolution helmet comes in an anatomically pre-shaped design and features a clever ventilation system and a very sturdy ABS-synthetic hard-shell. The helmet offers a maximum of safety.
Skate-Aid; founded by Titus Dittmann, this initiative utilizes the power of skateboarding to bring hope on four wheels to young people across the globe. Whether in Afghanistan, Africa or the continuing work in Germany, Skate-Aid brings a share of happiness and security to children who have been deprived of their childhood.
Skateboarding knows no frontiers and wars, colour of skin or hate, rich or poor; Skateboarding unites and promotes a sense of identity and purpose especially in the development of young people. That is the motivation of the Skate-Aid initiative. With the purchase of the Skate-Aid version of this helmet you’ll be actively supporting this cause.
Stay Strong Initiative; founded by former BMX dirt jumper and three times U.S. Gold Medalist Stephen Murray. In 2007 Murray survived a crash following an attempted double backflip that ended his promising career and left him paralyzed from the shoulders down.
The Stay Strong Initiative raises funds for Stephens medical treatment and with the purchase of this helmet you actively support Stephen and his family on their troublesome journey.
-ABS-synthetic hard-shell construction
-anatomically pre-shaped design
-EPS impact foam padding
-protects entire head
-smart ventilation channels
-removable and washable pads
-purchase supports the Stay Strong Initiative